Here be Dragons!
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Last updated
As a living document the content of the pages to follow will constantly evolve and with this process inaccuracies or out-of-date content may exist.
Therefore, while the information contained within these pages is valuable and important in the process of understanding all things OTK, we cannot guarantee at all times that such information will be accurate as things may have changed.
We will at all times use our best efforts to review the information to make sure it is up to date and will seek to correct any out-of-date information or inaccuracies as soon as we are made aware of them.
No person from the Project team can in any way whatsoever be held responsible for the appearance of any inaccurate or libellous information or for your use of the information contained in or linked from these web pages.
Additionally, the pages that follow are intended for general information purposes only and do not constitute a prospectus, an offer document, an offer of securities or a solicitation for investment or should be in any way considered as financial advice or used to inform financial or investment decisions.
All items expressly labelled "In Development" are high level first iterations of potentially complex topics and so may change significantly over time when compared to these first iterations. These elements are not necessarily in chronological order in the roadmap and should therefore more specifically, not be relied upon in any way, shape or form.
Lastly please also pay close attention to our section with all our legal information which can be out for you in the Brig.