The Collapse

The end of the world

While most of this history had been lost when the waters finally claimed the earth, through the perseverance of those who remained, first over decades and then centuries, a more complete picture of the unfolding of events was painstakingly pieced together from fragments of lost history.

From what is known, it is gleaned that the end was gradual at first, climate change, freak weather storms, rising tides and then quicker until news reports of global flooding became commonplace.

Then came the tsunamis, great walls of water stemming from the outer reaches of the oceans, crashing into coastal cities in a wash of blue and white, destroying and drowning everything in their path. The ocean was relentless and soon the world was no more.

A few who knew the ways of the oceans had prepared from the first signs and had managed to escape the onslaught above the waters.

Others, who had been the privileged had locked themselves away in airtight bunkers specifically designed using and trusting their technology advancements to hold back the darwinistic events. And when the storms finally subsided and the earth was once again a single body of water, life had to be started anew, above and below the waves.

Decades passed, and then centuries and life started to return but it was a life above the waves for some and dark ocean depths for others.

Those above the waves forming communities on man made islands dotted across the endless seas and those below in the dark quietness of the depths of Davy Jones's locker.

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