Pirate Family Crest

The 12 Pirate Families of legend

We also learn from the Archive that, the OTK was in fact made up of the bloodlines of the now ancient pirate families.

Following this discovery, the Project released its second NFT, the Pirate Family Crest.

The total distribution for the Pirate Family crest was 4000 and was released as follows:

1000 as a free claimable mint 3000 at a price of 45 ADA per asset.

The Pirate Family Crest have the following attributes:

  • Various family crest to tie up with the pirate family names

  • To match rarity of family with Talisman family distribution rarity

  • 1000 distribution - free claimable mint one for registered Crew members

  • 3000 distribution - 45 ADA per mint

  • Group community members into families

  • Foster competition between the families

  • Matching family crest and Kraken (WL bonus)

  • All 12 family crests (NFT Free bonus)

  • Family crest is the key required for staking platform and token distribution

  • Secret tied in to the family crest and linked to the Treasure Hunt

5% royalties on secondary sales payable to the Project's Treasury to be utilised exclusively for the Project's development.

The Family Crests can still be be purchased here.

Last updated