In-game Economy

"In Development"

This area is still under development but the following principles are being considered and evaluated in the design process thus far:

  1. Establish a fixed supply of NFTs: The first step in creating a fair and sustainable economy is to establish a fixed supply of NFTs. The aim is to prevent inflation and ensures that each NFT has a stable value.

  2. Create a diverse range of NFTs: A diverse range of NFTs, each with its own unique attributes and characteristics, can help to create a balanced economy. For example, you might have some NFTs that are rare and highly coveted, while others are more common and less valuable.

  3. Allow players to earn NFTs through gameplay: To help ensure that players can access the NFTs they want, you might allow players to earn NFTs through gameplay. For example, you might award NFTs as rewards for completing quests, winning tournaments, or participating in other in-game activities.

  4. Establish a fair market for NFTs: To create a fair and sustainable economy, it's important to establish a fair market for NFTs. This could include setting clear rules for buying, selling, and trading NFTs, as well as ensuring that there are no abuses of power or exploitation of players.

  5. Regularly update and maintain the economy: Regular updates and maintenance can help to address imbalances and ensure that the economy remains healthy. This might include adjusting the supply or demand for certain NFTs, or introducing new NFTs to the game.

  6. Gather player feedback: Gathering and incorporating player feedback can help to ensure that the in-game economy is fair and enjoyable for all players. This could involve soliciting player suggestions and ideas, or gathering data through surveys or other means.

Last updated