The Location

Having first solved the additional element in the collation of discovered texts, being a series of ancient letters:

"Cb Ks mz Vyrvglis, rvi fj lry Pdfukif ei rzoxp jbu xhz hlvefxve cihkw bi elg hlvefxve cihkw" "Yo Ho me Hearties, who of you Pirates be ready for the treasure hunts of all treasure hunts?"

The following mysterious image was the only clue to assist the would-be treasure hunters in the next part of the quest to find the location of the treasure:

The treasure map and items contained a number of different codes, ciphers and riddles that would lead the treasure-hunters on a number of wild goose chases and dead ends.

Despite the dead ends, the continuous theme even from the plain text at the start and all the additional clues hinted at "the Devil".

Some of the other obscure poems and clues found on the treasure map:

I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself

- "The Devil is the Key"

To be or not to be that is the question. Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them?

- "Blackbeard is the grand Devil"

The eventual outcome was the discovery of the name given to Blackbeard as he terrorised the Mexican coastline which was "El Gran Diablo" (The Great or Grand Devil) which is $elgrandiablo and the location of the treasure chest.

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