The Gateway to the Treasure

Having solved the puzzle as to the location of the treasure chest which is guarded by the Devil himself ($elgrandiablo), the Treasure Hunters now need to move on to the second phase of the hunt.

Historians of the OTK have been documenting the events following the return of the crew of the Endeavour and in the process have provided the following extract, however, little do they know that within its pages lies the answer to the next part of the puzzle.

Treasure hunters were looking for a sentence that when found would tell them where next to look for clues to allow them to progress on the hunt.

While sitting in the Tavern in Port Royal with the rum flowing and the tongues wagging, apparently it was overheard that some of the Treasure Hunters had solved the riddle in the extract of the manuscript.

What they got was even more confusing:

"The gateway to the treasure lies within the families"

Only Davy Jones may ever know how they got to that!

It seems as if they have a direction of sorts, somewhere to start looking for a secret perhaps, one that the Bellman had been very clear about in the Family Crest announcements but at the time was still completely overlooked.

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