
"I applied to join the order of the Kraken and all I got was a jar-o-dirt!"


The Jar-o-dirt NFT will be discoverable through the treasure hunt process with a total supply of 1600, having four variations and the following initial WL utility:

  • 700 NFTs with a WL and pre-sale discount (30%) on a Pirate NFT

  • 700 NFTs with WL and pre-sale discount (30%) on a Pirate Ship NFT

  • 100 NFTs with WL and free mint of a Pirate NFT

  • 100 NFTs with WL and free mint of a Pirate Ship NFT


There are no longer any wallet limits or restrictions in terms of the WL structure for the Pirate Main Mint or the Ship Main Mint.

Evergreen utility:

The jar-o-dirt will be key to the participation in all future Treasure Hunts, community engagement activities, mini-games, cross project collaborations and a number of other interesting and mystical properties that are still in development.


As mentioned in the Family Crest section, the jar-o-dirt is the Project's general purpose NFT that we see evolving over time as the Project develops to unlock lore, experiences and other in-game benefits.

Last updated