Kraken Talisman

"In Development"


The Kraken Talisman is the core utility NFT for the Project and will be limited to a supply of 250.

A Talisman will amplify all reward distributions and provide the highest protections as it comes to end-game utility and a summary of the initial utility and benefits can be seen here.

A Kraken Talisman effects will not stack on voyages and so Pirate Captains will only be able to allocate one Talisman per Pirate Ship.

There is nothing stopping the ambitious Pirate Captain in procuring a fleet of ships and using a Talisman to accompany each ship on its voyage.


The Talisman has three core traits beyond its allegiance to a Pirate Family, being Gems, Compass and Backgrounds.

These traits are all relevant and necessary for strategic participation in later elements of the Project and the exact quantum of their impact on an attribute is still in development.


Will have a direct effect on all RESILIENCE attributes and the more rare the gem, the greater the positive impact on the relevant attribute.

In order of rarity: Alexandrite (TBC) Diamond (TBC) Black Opal (TBC) Garnet (TBC) Emerald (TBC) The corresponding eye patch halves the effect of the Eye Gem.


Will have a direct effect on all NAVIGATION attributes and the more rare the compass, the greater the positive impact on the relevant attribute.

In order of rarity:

Lodestone (TBC) Naval (TBC) Gyro (TBC) Prismatic (TBC) Qibla (TBC)


Rarity is not a deciding factor with backgrounds as each background will provide a level of protection (i.e. increased survivability) against the corresponding event.

Red Tide Maelstrom Mirage Cursed Fog Squall Ocean (none)

Last updated