Treasury Management

"In Development"

Some of the principles for treasury management that are actively being considered for the Order of the Kraken:

  1. Develop a clear treasury management policy: Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of all treasury management stakeholders.

  2. Set up multi-signature wallet: Set up and maintain a segregated multi-signature treasury wallet with RoundTable.

  3. Establish clear goals and objectives: Determine the purpose of the NFT project's treasury, such as funding development, marketing, or partnerships.

  4. Identify and manage risks: Assess and manage risks associated with treasury management activities, such as market risk, liquidity risk, and credit risk.

  5. Diversify investments: Consider diversifying the NFT project's treasury holdings to mitigate risk and optimise returns.

  6. Monitor and review performance: Regularly review and evaluate the performance of the NFT project's treasury management activities to ensure that they are aligned with the project's goals and objectives.

  7. Maintain transparent and accurate financial reporting: Ensure that financial reporting related to the NFT project's treasury management activities is accurate, transparent, and in compliance with relevant regulations.

  8. Stay up-to-date on industry developments: Stay informed about developments in the NFT industry, including regulatory changes and market trends, to ensure that the NFT project's treasury management activities are aligned with the latest best practices.

Last updated