Liar's Dice

"In Development"

Liar's Dice mini game is an aspiration and would be an exciting addition to the Order of the Kraken Project that would add a new level of interactivity and strategy to the overall gameplay.

This mini-game takes inspiration from the classic "liar's dice" game and puts an OTK pirate-themed spin on it where players roll the dice to try to bluff and outsmart their opponents.

The goal of the game is to be the last captain standing with the most treasure.

Players will use the in-game currency, Pieces of Eight ($EIGHT), to buy into the game and compete against other players and or Pirate Families for a chance to win more treasure.

As players win rounds and earn more treasure, they will have the opportunity to upgrade their ships, hire new crew members, and acquire powerful pirate artefacts to give them an edge in the game.

The Liar's Dice mini game will provide a fun and engaging way for players to interact with each other, practice their deception and strategic thinking skills, and earn valuable in-game currency and treasures to advance in the larger game world of the Order of the Kraken.

Intended features:

Single player mode: The ability to play against computer-controlled opponents.

Multiplayer mode: The ability to play against other players online.

Game rules: Implementing the rules of liar's dice, including bidding, challenging, and losing dice.

User interface: Designing the layout and visual appearance of the game board, dice, and any other necessary UI elements.

Online features: Implementing features such as leaderboards, matchmaking, and social features for multiplayer games.

Mobile support: Ensuring that the game is compatible with and optimised for mobile devices.

Wallet integration: Allowing players to use a cryptocurrency wallet to make bets and receive winnings.

Discord integration: Allowing players to receive notifications and commands from the game through Discord.

Customisation options: Allowing players to customise their dice or avatars.

Last updated